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CranioSacral Therapy

quiet the mind & heal the body













In 1970, Dr. John E. Upledger first observed the rhythmic movement of the craniosacral system during surgery. He then set out to scientifically confirm the existence of the craniosacral system.  In 1975, he was asked to join the Osteopathic College at Michigan State University as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics. Dr. Upledger led a team of medical professionals who were able to prove the function of the craniosacral system and he began creating what would later be called CranioSacral Therapy to treat this important physiological system. 


The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It extends from the bones of the skull, face and mouth, which make up the cranium, down to the sacrum, or tailbone area. Since this vital system influences the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord, an imbalance or restriction in this delicate system could potentially cause any number of sensory, motor or neurological disabilities. The craniosacral system is linked not only with a person’s physical health, but also with their mental and emotional health.




CranioSacral Therapy is usually performed with a very light touch by an experienced practitioner. Intellectually, the therapy makes no sense, but a simple science experiment helps demonstrate how such a light touch can cause positive change in the body: Mix cornstarch with enough water to create a ball. Hold the ball in your hands and press- the harder you press, the harder the mixture becomes. Now release the pressure and just gently hold the mixture and it will become fluid and ooze between your fingers. The body often responds in the same way, allowing softening and change with a light touch and resisting a more firm pressure.


Due to the direct affect upon the nervous system, many patients fall asleep during their treatment or they report having a more relaxed and peaceful feeling than they have ever experienced before. Sometimes, patients may feel various physical sensations, including the sensation of waves or electricity going through their bodies or the self-adjusting movements of bones and muscles. Others may have visual sensations, old memories coming into their minds, or they might have varying degrees of emotional release during their therapy. 




One of several similar cases is about a lady who suffered with chronic shoulder pain. In only one treatment, her shoulder realigned itself and all of her shoulder pain disappeared. The desired results can happen with only one treatment, but it is more common for a series of treatments to be needed.


A lady that suffered from Vertigo (dizzy spells) for a prolonged period of time received a series of treatments that ended all of her dizzy spells. CST has a high rate of success with treating Vertigo.  


When a gentleman requested CST for his chronic migraines and knee pain, it was discovered that his pain was caused from problems with his spine. After a few treatments, his spine straightened, the migraines ended, and he no longer had any knee pain. CranioSacral Therapy helps about 80% of those who suffer with migraines and headaches. 


A patient who was experiencing severe pain from a pinched peronial nerve received CST and she was pain-free following the therapy. 


A patient with severe neck pain had stopped improving with physical therapy. During her CST sessions, old memories came into her mind and it became clear that an emotional issue was keeping her from being able to completely heal. She released these old issues and the physical therapy started helping her again.


At one time, two different clients who had been seeing psychologists for a prolonged period of time for depression came to me to received CST and within a month were released by their psychotherapists.    

CranioSacral Therapy does not work for everyone, but it does benefit a high percentage (about 85%) of patients who receive the therapy. This therapy has helped many patients live a more fulfilling life with less, or no pain or physical dysfunction. Many patients with depression have the depression lifted and find a new sense of well-being. Improvement is usually seen within 3-5 sessions.


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